
HUMANIMAL is a field of psychophysical games that connect us with the locomotion, communication, and spatial understanding abilities inherent to the human animal. The practice is based on natural mobility and improvisation, unfolding through individual and collective puzzles, the use of metabodies (balls-sticks-ropes), and inhabiting diverse scenarios, with the aim of promoting a flexible, creative, efficient, and multifunctional body configuration. It calls upon instinct, intuition, and above all, the capacity we have to fall in love with our bodies and spaces.
Luis Rubio. Mazatlán, Mexico. Interdisciplinary performing artist and cultural coordinator. He is interested in composition, language, and fiction. His creative and pedagogical work has been shared in various instances around Latin America and addresses the questions: What can or cannot bodies do in space and why? He coordinates a research laboratory that discusses eroticism, improvisation, and mental health; and since 2017, he has been dedicated to the study of the human body in motion through Humanimal Movement. With a group of friends, he founded the live arts collective enNingúnlugar in 2014 and the Artistic Experimentation Center CasaVerde in 2018.
Eliana Jiménez (MX-Col). Graduated from the Professional Dance School of Mazatlán. She has participated as a teacher, performer, and creator in various national and international spaces and festivals. She is part of the performing arts collective enNingúnlugar, the HUMANIMAL research team, and is the coordinator of the Casa Verde Cultural Center in Querétaro, Mexico. Certified in hypopressive gymnastics level 1, level 2, and in treatment for abdominal diastasis.