Piece by Sita Ostheimer 20.01.2023
You and me, we are brothers.
That's why I could easily call you my enemy.
Someone who sets traps and invents obstacles in order to get me off track
and make me lose my direction.
You know a lot about me. More than others.
But I have decided not to see you as my enemy, but as a mystery, like I see myself.
That's the more challenging way.
But I feel, that digging deep enough
and going far enough will make me find something familiar in you.
Something I trust.
Something that will bring me joy.
I care for you.
The Inevitable and You
Screening the making of documentary 19.01.2023
If no one can see, there is nothing,
and if there is nothing, there is darkness.
Nothing is dark and silent,
and your certainty is everything.
In nothing, you are everything.
The night left and chaos broke.
All is gone. Now you are all. You are the first.
Every single step of yours
is the creation of the next.
Movimiento 360°
Ponencia teórico-práctica + distribución de libro 20.01.2023
Movimiento 360° propone una práctica dancística a través de la Capoeira, rescatando patrones en que
fundamenta su origen histórico y su relación con el cuerpo. Este arte marcial afro-brasileño resulta
atrayente en su estudio, ya que reconoce el origen de sus movimientos en animales que
complementan una gama de posibilidades dentro de la danza. De esta manera, lo que sucede con el
cuerpo representa un desafío para la anatomía en relación a la gravedad.
Alena Arce, su creadora, compartirá los fundamentos de esta investigación de movimiento en una exposición oral y práctica. También distribuirá copias de su libro.